Interpersonal Communication and Forgiveness Process
, interpersonal communication, forgiveness, personalism, the crisis of truth, the crisis of loveAbstract
In the light of human and social sciences, forgiveness might be defined as one of the most difficult processes. This is connected with interpersonal communication; thus, its formation, development as well as difficulties as hurts, hypocrisy or even destruction of other human being. Simultaneously, Christianity expresses the belief that a human being – despite his weaknesses – is a good being by nature, capable of changing and pursuing the good, truth, beauty and love as well as forgiveness. This article discusses the issue of forgiveness in relation to interpersonal communication, by analysing relationships between these processes, difficulties with forgiveness resulting from communication problems, as well as difficulties with forgiveness related to the specific character of the contemporary conditions of communication processes – the crisis of the truth and love.
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