This article concerns the works of Jacob Klein (1899–1978) who was the professor at St. John’s College in Annapolis. His profound knowledge of the culture of ancient Greeks enabled him to reformulate means and patterns of modern formal and civic education
liberal education, liberal arts, freedom, autonomy, citizenAbstract
This article concerns the works of Jacob Klein (1899–1978) who was the professor at St. John’s College in Annapolis. His profound knowledge of the culture of ancient Greeks enabled him to reformulate means and patterns of modern formal and civic education. The concept of liberal education means primarily an ability to free ourselves from ever-present circumstances and exigencies of life. In such a task we could only determine certain conditions of teaching and learning. Survival of liberal education in the modern world is uncertain because it depends on maintaining a critical attitude towards the scientific progress. It will be impossible without philosophy which is searching for grounds for every social order.
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