The Role of Truth in the Education of a Person in the Light of the Anthropology of Karol Wojtyla
truth, person, values, education, self-educationAbstract
In modern times, it is a frequent phenomenon to analyse education without elaborating on the specificity of this process and its anthropological assumptions, while disregarding its coherence or even rejecting its indispensability. This is the effect of the sceptical attitude to truth, both in the ontological dimension – as one of the transcendentals – and as a spiritual value in the axiological dimension. In order to consider the role of truth in the education of a person, we have chosen the personalism of Karol
Wojtyla because of a close connection between the truth about humanity (the essence of which is being a person) and the truth about human actions. The analysis of the role of truth in education as a distinctively human activity is considered particularly
important in our times. The principal problem areas are distinguished to analyse the role of truth in the upbringing of a person in the light of Wojtyla’s anthropology: the truth about man and the truth of man, the truth about the essence of education as a specific action, and the truth about the essence of self-education. According to this anthropology, these areas are closely related, intertwined and mutually determined. The foundation is the truth about man as a person and about his actions through which
man as a person reveals, realizes and fulfils himself. The awareness of the fundamental importance of truth in education and educational and self-educational activities, as well as its indispensability in the understanding and development of a person seems to be increasing. It is opening new perspectives in our approach to the educational reality, difficult contemporary problems, situations, relationships, and the responsibility of the participants in the educational processes.
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