State and Local Government Budget Law

State and Local Government Budget Law

About the Journal

Quarterly “State and Local Government Budget Law” is a scientific journal devoted primarily to the legal aspects of the state budget, the budget of the European Union, and the budgets of local government units. The journal also publishes original studies on other elements of public finance law: tax law, public banking law, social insurance and health insurance finance, public procurement law, and public finance discipline. These problems are nowadays continually gaining in importance, which encourages an intensification of research and legal and budgetary studies, also in the context of examining sources of budget revenues and the spending of accumulated public funds. The publication is addressed, not only to representatives of academic circles, but also to employees of state and local administration, control and supervision bodies, judges, attorneys, and all persons obliged to know and apply the provisions of financial law. The aim of the quarterly is to publish valuable studies concerning public finance law functioning, not only in Poland, but also in other countries, especially within the European Union.

PBPiS is on the list of scientific journals of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education as of 01.12.2021 with a score of 40 points.

Funding information

In order to reach a wide audience, including foreign readers, efforts have been made since 2018 to publish scientific texts in English. No. 4/2018 and No. 4/2019 of the quarterly “State and Local Government Budget Law” have been prepared and disseminated in the English language version thanks to the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

State and Local Government Budget Law 4(6)2018, 4(7)2019 - a task financed within the framework of the agreement 704/P-DUN/2018 from the funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education designated for activities promoting science.