School Risk Factors in Developing a Sense of Competence by Polish Pupils: Their Fourth and Fifth Year of Learning at Primary School – Longitudinal Studies
pupils’ needs, a sense of competence, school risk factors, risk index, middle school ageAbstract
The article presents the results of a qualitative and quantitative analysis of school pupil responses to open-ended questions concerning their desired changes during lessons. The studies were carried out in Poland, in primary schools, at the beginning and end of the fourth year of learning and at the end of the fifth year of learning (the mean age of respondents participating in the measurement was 9 years and 7 months). They included a diagnosis of the conditions and effects of psychosocial development. Every respondent was characterised based on a diagnosis on a scale called the Indeks Ryzyka [Risk Index] built on the results from nine variables describing the conditions of psychosocial development in a school class and such effects of psychosocial development as: a sense of helplessness and stereotype threat of low abilities in Polish language and maths lessons, as well as the explanatory style assumed by pupils to explain their own successes and failures in learning. A risk category for the improper execution of a developmental task was identified for each variable – instead of the development of a sense of competence there was a dominance of feelings of inferiority and the Risk Index (RI) scale was construed on this basis. An analysis of the reactions of pupils to the possibility of suggesting changes in the hitherto work of teachers during lessons indicates that only towards the end of the fifth year of learning did the position on the RI scale statistically significantly differentiate the frequency of acceptance of the status quo reported by the respondents, the need for change, or not taking up the chance to express one’s views on the topic. The qualitative analysis of the content of the respondent statements led to the identification of two main categories: (1) Needs relating to the everyday relationships between teachers and pupils, and (2) Needs associated with the teaching process. In the first pupil statement category, they usually expressed the desire for teachers to stop raising their voice or shouting during lessons, in the second, they concerned ensuring peace and quiet during lessons and slowing down the pace of work. A list of the topics mentioned by the pupils forms a list of the most pressing changes—from the pupils’ perspective—in the work of teachers during lessons.
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