Podejście mozaikowe w badaniu doświadczania przez dzieci życia codziennego w instytucjach wczesnej opieki i edukacji
podejście mozaikowe, doświadczanie przez dzieci życia codziennego, Alison ClarkAbstract
This article presents the Mosaic approach described in Alison Clark’s paper Talking andlistening to children. The Mosaic approach developed as a multi-method model. It is
important to include a range of methods in order to allow children with different abilities
and interests to talk about details of their daily lives in an institution for young children. The
Mosaic approach consists of observation, child conferencing, using cameras, tours, mapmaking,
and interviews with staff and parents. Different examples of Clark’s application of
the Mosaic approach in her research in an early childhood institution are discussed in the
article. They demonstrate young children’s participation in research, in which adults try to
understand their point of view. The Mosaic approach is a collaborative process where adults
and children search for meaning together.
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