University Support for Coping with Studying During the Fourth Wave of the Pandemic: A Thematic Analysis of Student Perspectives
This qualitative study, conducted in Poland in January 2022, drew upon the experiences of final semester master’s degree psychology students. Amidst record-high case numbers, these students were asked to provide written statements discussing the stress they experienced in relation to studying during the pandemic and what the university as an organization should offer to support students in coping. The data was analyzed using thematic analysis to identify and interpret patterns regarding the reported stress and proposed solutions for coping. This study spotlighted health concerns, technostress, communication challenges, and the diminished human contact as key sources of stress in remote learning environments. Findings further indicated that stress management could be significantly improved through the proper organization and prompt communication of changes in teaching and examination modes. Furthermore, a clear definition of course requirements and conditions for credit, combined with avenues for student input, emerged as an essential aspect of the university's approach. The study recommends the development of stress management and well-being courses, organization of additional instructor-student meetings, and promotion of social activities to combat isolation. It also underscored the necessity of accessible psychological support, highlighting the potential benefits of interventions such as mindfulness programs. The implementation of these suggestions aims to foster the development of resilient, adaptive, and successful individuals prepared to face the challenges of an increasingly interconnected and technologically-driven world.
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