Sense of Coherence, Self-Efficacy and Locus of Control as Predictors of the Level of Achievement Motivation of People with Dyslexia During Adolescence
The purpose of the article is to learn about and analyse personal resources such as self-efficacy, sense of locus of control, sense of coherence in students with dyslexia in adolescence and their achievement motivation. Four tools were used: KBPK-R Questionnaire for the Study of Sense of Control – revised version, KompOs – Personal Competence Scale SOC-13M Life Orientation Questionnaire and the LMI Achievement Motivation Inventory – short version. This research was carried out from January to June 2023 in Poland. The research sample (n = 225) consisted of adolescents with dyslexia (n = 112) and without dyslexia (n = 113). The results were analysed using hierarchical regression analysis. The study showed that overall sense of coherence correlated positively with sense of strength (r=0.255). Sense of self-efficacy correlated positively with sense of resourcefulness (r=0.196) and sense of strength (r=0.713) and perseverance (r=0.724) All indicators of sense of control correlated positively with each other. Sense of control in the area of success (r=0.374) and overall sense of control (r=0.472) also correlated positively with achievement motivation. The research analyses show that a predictor of achievement motivation is a sense of comprehension and a sense of locus of control on success scale. Students with dyslexia on the self-efficacy scale score low, the sense of locus of control is external, and the sense of coherence ranks low. Students’ knowledge of their own resources is crucial as it allows for increasing motivation for work and adequate response in difficult and stressful situations. These resources are also necessary for determining both shortterm and long-term goals, the achievement of which will depend precisely on motivation.
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