Personal Values of Young Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. Before and during COVID-19 Pandemic
Background: A study of the personal values of 109 young adults with intellectual disabilities was conducted before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learning about the personal values of this population group is important for implementing core curriculum content and developing support programs. Method: The purpose of the study (in a quantitative strategy) was to learn about the hierarchy of personal values and symbols of happiness in young Polish adults with intellectual disabilities before and during the pandemic. The questionnaire “List of Personal Values” by Zygfryd Juczynski, developed basing on the Rokeach’s concept of value measurement, was used. In particular, the position of health in the hierarchy of personal values was examined. Results: Health remains one of the three most important values before and during the pandemic, together with love and friendship. The least frequently chosen are fame, popularity, and good looks. Conclusions: Persons with intellectual disabilities are raised in a cult health. In their case, health is equated with “normalcy”, the chance to live independently. The category of health occupies such a high position in their personal values, regardless of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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