The Role of Personal Resources and the Results of External Exams in Explaining School Achievements of High School Students
The purpose of this study was to examine the direct and indirect relationships between students’ selected personal resources, such as self-esteem, self-efficacy, learned helplessness and motivation to learn, in predicting high school students’ achievement and to analyse the consequences of additionally including in the model the results of external examinations prior to secondary school. The quota sample consists of 489 third-grade students (age 18) of Polish secondary school (Bydgoszcz), including 220 high school students, 161 students of technical and 108 basic vocational schools. Regression analysis indicated that personal resources and school type were significant predictors of school achievement (R2 = 0.279). The most important of these was motivation (β = 0.325). The mediating role of motivation, self-efficacy and helplessness in the relationship between self-esteem and school performance was also confirmed (PROCESS macro). Adding the results of external exams to the model significantly improved its quality. Structural equation modelling confirmed a good fit of the model (χ2 = 62.20, df=18, p<0.001; CFI=0.974; TLI=0.946; SRMR=0.033; RMSEA=0.071). The model explain more than half (R²=0.617) of the variability of high school achievements. Students' personal resources remained significant predictors despite the inclusion of external exam results in the model. Motivation and a learned helplessness were also important variables mediating the relationship between the results of external examinations and school achievements.Self-esteem, self-efficacy, motivation to learn and a learned helplessness are variables whose level can be optimised as a result of intervention, and knowledge about meditation processes allows for more accurate planning of interventions.
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