The Application of Problem-Centered Interview as a Method of Pedagogical Research
The purpose of the article is to present the qualitative research method known as Problem-Centered Interview and its potential application in pedagogical research. The author demonstrates the main assumptions and stages of the method, simultaneously analyzing the possible benefits and limitations of its use. The originality of the method is confronted with other types of interviews, i.e.: active, in-depth and classical narrative interview. The application of unique qualities of the method,such as: administering three types of reasoning (deductive, inductive and abductive), addressing the prior knowledge bias of the researcher and taking into account afalsification in the validation process, all of which increase the credibility of research conclusions. The Problem-Centered Interview which is placed between the objectivist Grounded Theory and constructionism is able to provide a new insight into education and upbringing. The application of the method makes it possible for the research itself to become an educational situation.
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