Communication between the Centre and the Periphery: Example of the Italian branch of the Teutonic Order (13-16th centuries)
history, the Middle Ages, military orders, periphery, administration, visitations, communication, networksAbstract
The paper takes as points of departure two major topics: the relations between the center and the periphery in the medieval world and the administrative history of the religious military orders. The specific case of the possessions of the Teutonic Order in Italy, so the bailwicks of Sicily, Apulia, “Lombardy” and Bozen and the seat of the Order's “general procurator” in the papal curia, will be examined with help of the existing primary sources. A particular interest will be given to the methods or instruments used by the headquarters of the Order to control and rule its Italian possessions. All those instruments are based on intensiv communication between the center and the periphery. They consist mainly in: 1. voyages and stays of the Order's highest ufficials in Italy; 2. integration of the superiors of the local bailwicks in the Order’s general chapter; 3. regular documented visitations of the Italian bailwicks and other missions of control; 4. choice of the commanders in Italy among the trusted men of the great master or, later, master of Germany of the Teutonic Order; 5. limited terms of office to the brothers, kept in Italy only a short time; 6. permanent and intensiv written and oral communication. Some relevant differences between the administrative practice of Templars and Hospitallers in Italy can be noted: so were the visitations of the local possessions much more regular in the Teutonic Order but, at the same time, the financing system of the central convent through the responsiones present in the Hospital was practically unknown for the Teutonic brethren. The communications between the center and the periphery took place, in our case, not only on the East-West, but also on the North-South axis. It can be concluded, that the Italian branch of the Teutonic Order was a periphery under the attention of the center. Like all the peripheries of the world, the peninsula was a transit area, between north and south, west and east. If we add here the religious and political importance of Italy and the economic prosperity of the local bailwicks, it becames clear why the Order, at least the better informed masters of Germany, did fight with all possible forces against the expropriation of this patrimony.
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