The Grand Designs of Gilbert of Assailly. The Order of the Hospital in the Projected Conquest of Egypt by King Amalric of Jerusalem (1168–1169)
Military Orders, Order of the Hospital, Egypt, Amalric, king of Jerusalem, Gilbert of Assailly, FātimidsAbstract
The chronicler William of Tyre is highly critical of the Hospitaller master Gilbert of Assailly, whom he blames for bankrupting the Order of the Hospital through his support for invasions of Egypt undertaken by King Amalric of Jerusalem. This essay attempts to identify and contextualise the concessions made by the king to the Hospitallers in exchange for their military support. It is argued that while the Egyptian campaigns involved a large financial investment for the Order, they promised vast economic gains in the event of a successful outcome, including a large contiguous territory in Lower Egypt and other property situated throughout the country.
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