The religious identity of the Teutonic Order Bailiwick of Utrecht, 1560–2006
history, military orders, Early Modern and Modern History, Teutonic Order, Calvinism, Aristocratic Distinction, Charity, NetherlandsAbstract
The radical amendments to its statutes in 2006 notwithstanding, the Teutonic Order Bailiwick of Utrecht is still defined by its Protestant outlook and its roots in ancient nobility, an identity that dates back nearly four centuries. Between 1615 and 1640, despite having remained Catholic over a remarkably long period, it had broken with the central order in Germany, becoming an institution for Reformed, married noblemen. The admission requirements were four noble quarters and membership of the Reformed church. In this way, the order fitted seamlessly within the structures of the Dutch Republic. In the revolutionary period after 1795, the order sought to survive by keeping a low profile. In 1811 Napoleon dissolved the Bailiwick. After the restoration of Dutch independence, this measure was reversed by King William I. In the new kingdom, adherence to the old admission criteria demarcated the old nobility not only from the new aristocracy, but also from the old Catholic nobility in the South. After the rupture of the kingdom in 1830 and the introduction of the liberal constitution in 1848 – which introduced a parliamentary system, abolished the rights of the aristocracy and brought equality of religions – the Protestant nobility assumed a leading role in the defence of traditional values. Into this picture fits the reinforced Protestant identity of the Bailiwick of Utrecht. In the twentieth century, this identity expressed itself through the increasing importance of its donations policy.
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