Sound maps and audio-geographic imagination: cartographic and social practices of soundmapping
critical cartography, sound map, locative listening, soundmapping, soundscape, transphony, audio-geographic imaginantionAbstract
The article discusses practices of creating sound maps. I refer to these practices as cartographic and social. The starting point are internet sound maps for listening. In the article, I define them as audiovisual, digital representations that are created collaboratively based on the user-generated content mechanism and have internet interfaces based on global maps such as Google Maps or OpenStreetMap. The main aim of the article is to look at soundmapping practices in the context of shaping audiogeographic imagination and transphonic and locative listening. The main perspective of my considerations is the anthropologized perspective of critical, unrepresentative cartography. I show the development of sound maps that interest me, define their specificity and indicate conceptual problems related to the representation of the experience of a soundscape in the medium of a sound map.
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