Herbs and post-COVID dietary supplements, The possibility of supporting the sick and convalescents
COVID-19, herbs, convalescents, Sars-CoV-2, dietary supplements, health securityAbstract
The COVID-19 disease has dominated the way of societies function. It was undermined people’s sense of security. The medications dedicated to this disease are low availability, so currently many people seek a support in the treatment process in herbs and dietary supplements. There are a number of herbs and supplements that can support both the treatment of Sars-CoV-2 patients and the recovery process after illness. This paper serves a comparative function and aims to present an overview of the available domestic and foreign literature of the issues of COVID-19 treatment support and recovery after this disease. The article describes a wide range of herbs and supplements, the effects of which have been confirmed by scientific research and are closely related to the symptoms of COVID-19 disease and dysfunctions that appear in the body after Sars-CoV-2.
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