The use of surveys and interviews in the field library and information science
methodology, research methods, survey, individual interview, group interviewAbstract
Aim: The aim of the article is to look at a selected fragment of the extensive subject matter of the methodology of book and information science – surveys along with individual and group interviews. The article discusses the specific nature of individual tools, and analyzes their use in the discipline in terms of quantity, evaluating their contribution to scientific and qualitative texts. Research method: Considerations were based on a review of literature and own bibliometric studies, including the study of the content of two leading Polish scientific journals (Zagadnienia Informacji Naukowej and Przegląd Biblioteczny) for the years 2010-2015. Results and conclusions: As a result of the conducted analyses, it has not been noticed that these tools are widely used by Polish researchers in the field of information processing, although we are dealing with more frequent use of surveys than interviews.
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