Author Guidelines
- The editorial office informs that ghostwriting and guest authorship are a manifestation of scientific misconduct and all their detected cases will be exposed by notifying the appropriate entities: institutions employing the authors, scientific societies, associations of editors, etc.
- Texts should be sent to the editorial office in the format: .doc, or .docx.
- The editorial office accepts proposals for texts with a volume not exceeding two author's sheets (80,000 characters with spaces and footnotes).
- Each text should be accompanied by keywords and, if citation occurs, an end-of-work bibliography.
- All texts should be accompanied by: information about the author with a volume of 500-800 characters with spaces, a summary with keywords with a volume of about 1-2 thousand characters and a bibliography in APA 7th edition style (in an alphabetical order).
- We recommend the use of bibliography managers, such as Zotero.
- The abstract should consist of such elements as: thesis/purpose of the article, method of research, and results conclusions.
- Formatting:
- Author's first and last name in Times New Roman; font size: 12; bold; spacing: 1.5; alignment: paragraph on the left.
- Information about affiliation (full name of the institution), e-mail address and ORCID ID of the author: Times New Roman font; font size: 12; spacing: 1.5; alignment: paragraph on the left.
- Title: Times New Roman font; font size: 12; bold; spacing: 1.5; margins: 2.5 cm; alignment: left.
- Information about the author of the article: Times New Roman font; font size: 10; spacing: 1; paragraph indentation: 1.5 cm; margins: 2.5 cm; alignment: double-sided.
- Keywords and abstract: Times New Roman font; font size: 10; spacing: 1; margins: 2.5 cm; alignment: double-sided (only "Keywords" and "Abstract": font: Times New Roman; font size: 10; bold).
- Text: Times New Roman font; font size: 12; spacing: 1.5; paragraph indentation: 1.5 cm; margins: 2.5 cm; alignment: double-sided.
- Footnotes: Times New Roman font; font size: 10; spacing: 1; margins: 2.5 cm; alignment: double-sided.
- End-of-work bibliography – title: Times New Roman font; font size: 12; bold; no paragraph indentation; spacing: 1.5; margins: 2.5 cm; alignment: double-sided.
- End-of-work bibliography – text: Times New Roman font; font size: 12; spacing: 1.5; paragraph indentation: 1.5 cm; margins: 2.5 cm; alignment: double-sided.
- Illustrative material should be sent to the editorial office in the following format: .jpg/.jpeg, .tif/.tiff or .png.
- In the case of a review, in the header, there should be in that order: the first and last name of the author of the publication, its full title (in the case of a multi-volume work also the number of volumes), the name of the publishing house (in the case of the next edition its number), the place and year of publication, the number of pages, and the ISBN number.
- The titles of published works are written in the text in italic font.
- Magazine titles in the text should be offset with quotation marks.
- Frequently cited names of institutions, journals or source editions should be abbreviated after their first use.
- All quotes in the text are signalised with quotation marks.
- Dates in the text are written according to the principle: day date in numbers, month in words and year in numbers (in Arabic numerals). However, in the case of dates in footnotes, we write everything in numbers (day and year with Arabic numerals, and the month with Roman numerals).
- Bibliographic footnotes are replaced by a reference to the end-of-work bibliography, which should be developed in accordance with the principles of the APA Style. The reference in the text shall be enclosed in a circular bracket according to the following rules.
(Oldenburg, 1989)
[surname in text] Oldenburg (1989)
(Michalak et al., 2016, p. 44)
(Fernández-Ardèvol et al., 2018)
(Jaskulski, 1864, pp. 1-2)
[surname in text] Jaskulski (1864, pp. 1-2)
- In the case of Cyrillic alphabets, the original spelling should be kept in the text, while transliteration should be used in the end-of-work bibliography.
- At the end of the text, an end-of-work bibliography in the APA 7th edition style and in alphabetical order should be provided without a division into categories.
Below is an example of bibliography in the APA 7th edition style:
Oldenburg, R. (1989). The Great Good Place. Cafes, Coffee Shops, Community Centers, General Stores, Bars, Hangouts, and How They Get You through the Day. Paragon House.
Ladewig, P. (2016). Katechizm biblioteki (Z. Gębołyś (ed.); Z. Gębołyś & B. Kwoka (translation)). Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego.
Michalak, D., Koryś, I., & Kopeś, J. (2016). Stan czytelnictwa w Polsce 2015 roku. Biblioteka Narodowa.
Zybert, E. B. (2016). Bezdomni w bibliotekach - doświadczenia zagraniczne. Przegląd Biblioteczny, 84(1), 27–45.
Fernández-Ardèvol, M., Ferran-Ferrer, N., Nieto-Arroyo, J., & Fenoll, C. (2018). The public library as seen by the non-users. El Profesional de La Informacion, 27(3).
Sopyło, T. (2018). Fatnomatyka. Rzeczywistość wirtualna w bibliotece. Bibliotekarz, 5, 24–33.
Article in press:
Chociszewski, J. (1863, May 20). Kronika. Nadwiślanin, 3.
Jaskulski, S. (1864, July 8). Berlin, 6 lipca. Dziennik Poznański, 1–2.
Kobierska-Maciuszko, E. (2015, February 4). Najwyższy czas dla BUW-u, by rozstać się z Hulakulą [LIST DO REDAKCJI]. Gazeta Wyborcza. Warszawa.,34862,17359733,Najwyzszy_czas_dla_BUW_u__by_rozstac_sie_z_Hulakula.html?disableRedirects=true
Article in an encyclopaedia:
Comparison of reference management software. (2018). In Wikipedia.
Ciesielska-Kruczek, R. (2013). Przestrzeń biblioteczna – miejscem nauki, działalności społeczno-kulturalnej, pracy. W M. Wojciechowska (Ed.), Fizyczna przestrzeń bibliotek (s. 40–52). Oficyna Wydawnicza Edward Mitek.
Jeż, R., Konieczko, A., & Kwiatkowska, M. (2016). Jakość usług informacyjnych biblioteki akademickiej jako ważny element gospodarki opartej na wiedzy. W T. Piestrzyński & J. Jerzyk-Wojtecka (Ed.), Biblioteka w społeczeństwie wiedzy (pp. 33–44). Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
Grodecka, M. (2017, January 20). Czytanie z klockami LEGO. Biblioteka zaprasza na warsztaty. PetroNews.
ORCID. (n.d.). About. Retrieved on 7 March 2018, from
Morawiec, B. M. (2017, January 16). Biblioteka w Oleśnie wie jak to się robi! Lustro Biblioteki.
Żurawińska, Z. (2017, January 26). DOI w zapisie bibliograficznym [Letter to Mariusz Balcerek].
Khoir, S. (2016). An information behaviour perspective into Asian immigrants’ settlement in urban South Australia: Investigating their everyday life information seeking and the value of public library services [University of South Australia].
Piotr Konaszewicz-Sahajdaczny do Krzysztofa Radziwiłła Styczeń 13, 1622, Kijów (Archiwum Radziwiłłów, Section II, file no. 804). (1622). Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych w Warszawie, Polska.
Jarochowski, C. (1863). X. Cypriana Jarochowskiego pamiątka z więzienia (Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu, Rps 189). Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna – Książnica Kopernikańska w Toruniu, Polska.