Science and faith in the Middle Ages: Gonsalvus Hispanus, OFM
Gonsalvus Hispanus, medieval philosophy, science, faith, opinion, wisdom, Thomism, Franciscan thoughtAbstract
The question about the faith and the science in the Middle Ages is very broad. For this reason, this paper reflects the thoughts of the author which are very significant for the comprehension of transition from the generation who faced the challenges of the Aristotelism in the 13th century and the Syllabus from 1277, to the generation which discussesed several questions related to the anthropological and metaphysical issue. In this respect Gonsalvus Hispanus, Duns Escoto’s teacher, helps us to understand the reception of the idea of science in the post-condemnation context. We specially pay our attention to the 9th Question in order to consider the relationship between science and faith, knowledge of authority and scientific knowledge, science and wisdom.
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