Science Said. Relationships between Science, Reason and Faith
science and religion, epistemology, hylomorphismAbstract
After a description of the method of mathematics and empirical sciences, brief but explicit enough to show their limits with philosophical and theological reflection, I comment the harmonic relations of mutual help among them, and also, unfortunately, the historical occasions in which these limits have been trespassed. And after a fast view of the image of the world–matter and life–presented to us by nowadays established science, I recall the main items of opposition to faith posed by science, although sometimes just promised science. I show that today’s science is in complete harmony with faith and that these items only show the opposition with faith of the materialistic philosophical points of view of some of the divulgators, not really opposition of established science. Finally we discuss that Aristotelian hylomorphism, posing form in matter, is more suited to dialog with present science than philosophies of Kantian inspiration posing form only in our knowledge or in our scientific theories.References
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