Psychological Concepts of Forgiveness in Interpersonal Relations
forgiveness in psychology, models of forgiveness, measurement of forgiveness, correlates of forgivenessAbstract
In philosophy and theology, in particular Christian theology, the notion of forgiveness has been discussed since a long time ago. In psychology, the increase in interest in forgiveness is dated back to the end of the 80’s of the 20th century. It had its origins in the clinical practice. On one hand, practitioners of psychology noticed that it is possible to apply forgiveness in the therapy of those who were wronged, in particular those who fell victim to sexual abuse, incest and domestic violence. Researchers of psychology, on the other hand, took steps to define and measure forgiveness, and to explore its predictors and functions in the area of well-being and the quality of life.
The aim of the present research is showing forgiveness from the psychological perspective. The first part includes the overview of definitions of forgiveness elaborated within psychotherapy, pastoral psychology, social psychology and developmental psychology. Next, the authors presented psychological models of forgiveness and methods of its measurement. The last part includes the preview of certain results of research on psychological-social correlates of forgiveness and on its relationship with the indicators of mental health and well-being.
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