Formation of presbyters for the pastoral care of people with disabilities
formation of presbyters, priestly formation, disability, partial disability, pastoral care of people with disabilitiesAbstract
Pastoral care of people with disabilities is a form of ecclesial activity which realizes the salvific mission of the Church through proclaiming God's Word to people with disabilities, through the liturgical service, through pastoral ministry and through the testimony of the Christian life. The specific nature of disability and of the life of a person with disability requires certain preparation of religious scholars who are to work with them. Human formation consists in the formation of the features of character which are necessary for the work with people with disabilities. The spiritual formation aims at deepening pastoral love following the pattern of Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd as well as the attitude of service for such people. The aim of intellectual formation is to provide necessary knowledge which concerns disabilities and the people who suffer from disabilities, while pastoral formation aims at deepening certain attitudes of pastoral care skills acquisition. The formation of presbyters for the pastoral care of people with disabilities should be comprehensive and integral.
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