Homo Dynamicus: A Sketch from Victorine Anthropology
Victorines, Hugh of St Victor, anthropology, man, dynamismAbstract
In this article, I answer the question of how the Victorines, or Canons Regular, who lived at the Abbey of St Victor near Paris founded by William of Champeaux, perceived man. The golden age of the formation they formed was in the 12th century. The text is based on the works of Hugo of St Victor, the originator of the Victorine programme, whose ideas were later developed by the Victorines of subsequent generations. The main thesis of the study is as follows: for the Victorines, man is a dynamic entity – hence the title expression homo dynamicus. The study is divided into nine parts. In each of them, I briefly discuss one of the dimensions of dynamism that the Victorine authors believe is inherent in man: (1) ad Deum; (2) ad intra; (3) ad renovationem; (4) ad beatitudinem; (5) ad virtutem; (6) ad sapientiam; (7) ad amorem; (8) ad proximum atque societatem; (9) ad unitatem sive harmoniam sive pulchritudinem.
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