Inside the ancestral tongue The nomination in Simone Martini's Terrestrial and Celestial Journey
Language, word, poetry, nomination, hermeneutics, Mario Luzi, Terrestrial and celestial journey by Simone Martini.Abstract
In Mario Luzi's extensive essay and poetic production, which spans over half a century in the literary history of Italy, the theoretical and pragmatic question of the nomination is a constant value, despite the varying positions taken, ranging from the Neoplatonism of the first works to the phenomenological opening present in the writings from the 90s. In 'Viaggio terrestre e celeste di Simone Martini', posing the problem of giving names to things is equivalent to approaching a representation of man and the world in the coexistence of physics and metaphysics, through the emblems of nature, the creature, the prayer, hope.
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