Il constante progredire della frontiera tra teologia e scienza. Parte 2º: Metafisica
Słowa kluczowe
time, space, motion, Pauli’s exclusion principle, Aristotle, S. Thomas, S. Augustine’ Kant, metaphysicsAbstrakt
On constant movement of frontiers between Science and Theology. Part 2: Metaphysics
In the first part (Karwasz, Scientia et Fides, 3(1) 2015) entitled “Physics” we showed how discoveries of modern sciences do not contradict Bible: neither in the subject of the beginning of the word nor in the subjects of the homogeneity of Homo Sapiens and the common origin of Euroasiatic languages. In this part we show that numerous “explanations” of natural phenomena like Pauli’s exclusion principle governing the chemistry, like space-time of Einstein, like apparent paradoxes of quantum mechanics, in reality move the border of our knowledge towards metaphysics: writings of philosophers from Aristotle, S. Augustine, S. Thomas to Kant are not in contrast with ontological conclusions of modern physics. In this way, the explanations based on philosophical principles find their place in natural sciences.
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