Esencia y causas en y a través de los movimientos naturales. Desde Aristóteles y en diálogo con Alicia Juarrero
DOI:łowa kluczowe
essence, causes, form, complex dynamical systems, natural sciences, ontology, living beingsAbstrakt
Essence and causes in and through the movements in Nature. From Aristotle and in dialogue with Alicia Juarrero
According to Aristotle there is an intrinsic relation between ordinary language, logic and ontology, which is a key element for the knowledge of reality. Such a relation is applied by the Stagirite in the sphere of nature as support for the analysis made by the incipient natural sciences of his time. Thus, Aristotle provided a unitary conception of nature and the sciences which study it. His contributions are still relevant for the study of nature. This paper tries to show the present validity of the Aristotelian thought, provided it is understood in the appropriate way. This attempt is made by means of confronting Aristotle’s ideas with those of a contemporary proposal, namely Juarrero’s, which has nevertheless a similar intention.
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