“He Worked with Human Hands”. Work as Human Action and Christ’s Action
https://doi.org/10.12775/SetF.2024.024Słowa kluczowe
labor, sense of life, action, mediation, pro-existenceAbstrakt
The complexity of work in our time presents new challenges for a theology that understands this fundamental dimension of existence and gives it an integrating, truly human meaning and a path to holiness. In order to embrace all modern forms of work, a definition of work is proposed as an action that involves the whole person and leads to fulfilment through work. Not only is work not a punishment, but the punishment would be not to be able to work. In work there is a convergence between nature and spirit. In order for the relationship between them to be harmoniously realised, a mediation is necessary that can only be exercised by man in which both meet. This avoids the risk of materialism and spiritualism in the understanding of work. But this mediation is limited to "this" concrete work. In order for there to be a mediation that includes all work, a Mediator is necessary, and that Mediator is Christ. The work that Jesus of Nazareth carried out was an exercise of his pro-existence and was therefore redemptive and salvific. It is in union with Christ that human work finds its ultimate meaning and transcendent efficacy.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Cesar Izquierdo
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