¿Sostuvo Aristóteles la inmortalidad del alma? La respuesta de Suárez¿Sostuvo Aristóteles la inmortalidad del alma? La respuesta de Suárez
Spirituality, intellect, happiness, non-organic powers, body-soul problemAbstract
Claimed Aristotle the immortality of the soul? Suarez respondsSuarez discussed the question of the immortality of the soul in Aristotle twice: in his youthful commentary (1574) and at the end of his life (1617). In both devotes great attention, facing the most debated Aristotelian texts; but with special focus on the spirituality of human intelligence. According to Suarez, although are found ambiguous texts, Aristotle affirming the spirituality of intelligence know the immortality of the human soul. In this way, Suárez rebuts Cayetano, and he approaches the positions advanced by Aquinas.
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