Teologia w świecie nauk
university, theology, rationality, logos, science, religious studiesAbstract
Theology in the world of science
Although modern universities are direct successors of the great tradition of the Middle Ages they have a serious problem with theology. This discipline, which together with classical philology, has constituted the foundation and bond of all methodologically organised cognition has been marginalised because of the rapid development of natural sciences and rationalistic (positivist) paradigm in science. The rejection of the “Hymn to Logos” and its consequences have led to the crisis of university, the dissolution of existing vision of the world and moral principles rooted in the wise universum of the Creator and finally to the dejection of cognitive faculties of a human mind. In this context, the present study proposes a “logocentric” conception, persistently proclaimed by Joseph Ratzinger as the Cardinal- -Prefect and the Bishop of Rome which appears to be coherent and, most importantly, meaningful as it offers to the mankind understanding based on truth. Nevertheless, this doctrine derived from the fact of creation and incarnation of Logos-Jesus Christ seems to be rejected by modern culture which is variously prejudiced against Christianity.
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