Potentiality-Possibility: Metaphysics and Science
Contingency, Necessity, Probability, Potence, Quantum mechanics, Duns Scotus, Methaphysics of scienceAbstract
In this paper, we address the metaphysical question of physical potentiality and its relation to metaphysical potentiality as a question that helps us understand the task of metaphysics in science. To this end, we pose three questions. One concerns the relation between necessity and contingency, which has various logical and natural ramifications, philosophically pours into the view of a phenomenal or real-world and concomitantly to the intersection between the rational and the empirical approach. A second one will address the solution to this necessity-contingency intersection through the calculus of probabilities and its evolution towards probability or quantum potentiality. The third question will focus on the medieval metaphysical roots of quantum physics, especially the modal metaphysics of John Duns Scotus.
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