La acción humana: una propuesta integral para el diálogo interdisciplinar sobre la personalidad
person, actualization, behavior, mind, interiorityAbstract
Human Action: a Comprehensive Proposal for Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Personality
The need to categorize the personality is recurrent in philosophical, theological and, especially, psychological studies. However, the lack of dialogue between the different disciplines gives rise to analyzes that seem to divide human reality into 'parts', often incompatible with each other. In view of this problem, this article proposes the integral analysis of human action (the way in which the person is actualized), seeking a psychological parameterization that is more adjusted to the complexity of the personality. Starting from the integral vision of the action, the human behavioral and mental aspects commonly studied are seen as insufficient and the horizon is broadened with the reference to interiority. It is intended to achieve a more accurate vision of the complexity of human action. Interiority, parameterized as personal identity, relational intention, and existential positioning, calls for a renewed and related understanding of psychology, philosophy, and theology.
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