Studia Podlaskie

Studia Podlaskie

About the Journal

„Studia Podlaskie” is a scientific journal published in Białystok since 1989. The current composition of the journal is the result of a cooperation of historians and political scientists from the Faculty of History and International Relations of the University of Bialystok and sociologists associated with the journal “Borderland. Social Studies”. The effect of this consolidation is the new edition of “Studia Podlaskie” as an interdisciplinary scientific forum. We encourage you to submit original articles, edited source materials, reviews and review articles, polemics, and reports. We accept texts in Polish and English.

MEiN points 2021: 40 

Indexing: BazHum, CEJSH, Index Copernicus, UwB Repository. 

The current and archival issues of the journal are available on the website of the Repository of the University of Białystok.


Wednesday, Jul 26, 2023

100 punktów dla "Studiów Podlaskich"

"Studia Podlaskie" uzyskały 100 punktów w nowym wykazie czasopism naukowych i recenzowanych materiałów z konferencji międzynarodowych.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2023


"Studia Podlaskie" w bazie ERIH Plus.

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Current Issue

Vol. 31 (2023)
Sunday, Apr 14, 2024
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This issue table of contents
Research articles