Protection of antique works of art – outline of legal issues
work of art, works of art, monument, monuments, antique works of art, cultural goods, cultural property, cultural heritage, art law, works of art law, restitution of works of art, works of art and criminal law, works of art civil lawAbstract
The aim of the article is an outline of the most important legal problems connected with antique works of art. This issues are very diverse and many-sided. It concerns not only theoretical reflections, but practical problems too. However, in Poland we still have not a separate body of law – art law (or works of art law). We have no special art law or regulations either. What is more, we have not even a legal definition of a work of art. In proceedings before the court in cases in which works of arts are the subject of proceedings, there are many other problems. Finally, a still current and unsolved question is the restitution of works of art lost during the Second World War.
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