Provedor de Justiça – the protection of citizens’ rights and freedoms from the point of view of Portuguese experiences
Ombudsman, Spokesman of Justice, protection of civil rightsAbstract
The main task of the Ombudsman is protection of basic human rights and freedoms. The essential function, which he fulfills, makes this institution indispensable in any modern democratic country. Spokesman of Justice is the main body in Portugal, whose task is to protect human rights and freedoms. The activities of the Ombudsman are particularly important when it comes to protection against abuse by public administration. Ombudsman’s institution has already existed in Portugal for 41 years and still plays an important role. The purpose of this article is to discuss institution of Ombudsman, introduced in the Republic of Portugal, it’s competences and position in the country, with putting particular attention to means of protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, which he exercises on the basis of applicable law. This article puts also special attention to the activities of the Ombudsman and their efficiency in protection of the rights granted to Portuguese nationals.
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