A few words of comment on the paradigm of permitted use and copyright levies
private copying exception, private copying levies, copyrightAbstract
In the article the author presents her opinion on a current private copying paradigm as well as copyright levies. In an introductory part of the work, the author designates those elements of the construction of private copying which constitute a subject of a vivid discussion and controversy: the role of the three-step test, the defining scope of the term “social relationship” in terms of virtual interpersonal relations and the function of copyright levies. The author analyses the abovementioned issues taking into consideration the most recent judicial decisions issued by the European Court of Justice. A.considerable part of the paper is devoted to the issue of copyright levies. Although the issue is not a core element of the private copying paradigm, it seems to be of utmost importance from the viewpoint of the users of copyrighted works.
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