Zmiana uczestników profesjonalnych po uzyskaniu przez inwestora decyzji o pozwoleniu na budowę w świetle przepisów Prawa budowlanego
construction law, participants of construction processAbstract
The construction permit allows the investor to carry out the construction works. The investor might not have expertise in the field ofconstruction, therefore during the process of building professionals are appointed and they become official participants of it. They include: construction manager, supervisor and designer, whose task, in general, is to help the investor. Their occurrence after the release of a building permit may be due to construction law, administrative decision ? building permit, or be dependenton the will of the investor. The purpose of this article is to analyse the methods and relevant provisions, which allow the above mentioned participants to be changed, following the issue of the decision of the building permit, with particular emphasis on the time aspects of continuation of the functions exercised by them. At the end ofthe article legal effectsof no notice of change of a professional participant are indicated.
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