Wymiar międzynarodowy śledztwa przeciwko Salomonowi Morelowi
Salomon Morel, court, criminal trail, international investigation, IsraelAbstract
The paper is about international investigation against Salomon Morel. The author explains the reasons for the labor of camp in Świętochłowice in Upper Silesia, which the commandant was S. Morel. Next, describes the issues of establishment of other camps in Poland by the NKVD and UB. Then the author reminds the procedure to put the prisoners in the camp of this type and specifi c of their work. The author writes a letter widely Erna Kolodziejczyk, which was a key to open the case against S. Morel. Quoted and explained the correspondence between the Prosecutor’s Off ice in Katowice and the Embassy, the Ministry of Justice and Off ice of Research of the State of Israel during the period of investigation. It was noted that many of ex-prisoners of the camp in Świętochłowice-Harmony, from Poland and foreign countries, were interrogated. The article is about how the investigation concerning the crimes committed in the camp at Świętochłowice-Harmony was transformed into the investigation against S.Morel. Presents a letters of representatives of the Polish-American community concerning the behaviour of S. Morel in the camp, also quoted the testimony of witnesses. Finally, in the summarizing the author criticises the activities of Polish authorities in the scope of conducting investigation against S. Morel.
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