The effects of an incorrect assessment of a matriculation exam on college admission procedures in Poland
matriculation examination, university recruitment, renewal of recruitment procedures, supplementary recruitmentAbstract
For almost two decades, the current state of the law relative to undergraduate and graduate program admissions in Poland has been based on the results of the matriculation exam. Matriculation exam results are often the only criterion which determines the applicant selection process. However, the timeline of matriculation exams and admission procedures has revealed potential procedural obstacles for candidates whose results are determined anew after an official announcement has been made, due to mistakes made by examiners which are revealed many weeks after graduation. The fact that changes in exam scores may occur only after an admission process has already been concluded potentially impacts not only the prospective candidate whose exam has been assessed incorrectly, but potentially also to other applicants who took part in the same recruitment procedure. The paper discusses how an incorrect assessment of a matriculation exam impacts the legal status of a prospective college candidate in the context of graduate and undergraduate admission procedures in Poland.
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