Incorporation of an easement with the content of a transmission easement over land occupied by post-German transmission facilities
post-German property, enfranchisement of state enterprises, a transmission easement, a ground easement with a substance of a transmission easement, servitude acquired by acquisitive prescriptionAbstract
Prescription of an easement in the situation of post-German electric power equipment is a specific fragment of considerations on the possibility of prescription of a ground easement with a substance of a transmission easement before the entry into force of the provisions introducing this easement to the Civil Code. First, the analysis covers the legal conditions from the period immediately after the end of World War II, describing the procedure and rules for taking over the ownership of the Polish State of transmission companies and former German property. Next, the author points to the provisions of the Property Law of 1946, the Civil Code of 1964 and intertemporal provisions accompanying these legal acts concerning servitude acquired by acquisitive prescription. As a result, it attempts to determine the date on which, in the event of meeting the statutory conditions, the prescription of an ground easement with a substance of a transmission easement could be ascertained in relation to real estate seized for post-German transmission facilities. The last part of the article focuses on considerations regarding which entity is currently entitled to an easement settled by the State Treasury under the rule of uniform state ownership.
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