For more United Nations rule-of-law “win-win” technical assistance outcomes amid migration
crime prevention, difference principle, Golden Rule, justice, fairness, migration, mutual benefits, reciprocity, Rule of Law, sustainable development, technical assistance, United Nations, win-winAbstract
This article focuses on the universal and time-honored Golden Rule, collo- quially known as “win-win”– a technical cooperation strategy, pursued in crime prevention and other fields. In particular, the article ventures into John Rawls’s difference principle for the United Nations-inspired Rule- of-Law cooperation for crime prevention to meet sustainable development goal 10 of the 2030 United Nations Agenda (“Reduce inequality within and among countries”). His liberally egalitarian principle regards inequality as reasonable (justice as fairness) as long as it would make the least advantaged in society materially better off than they would be under strict equality. In line with the United Nations Charter establishing the duty to cooperate, the author looks into the principle’s Global North-South applicability, relevant especially for the Rule-of-Law impact on the benefactors and beneficiaries of the two major economic development initiatives: the 2019–2021 Blue Dot Network/Built Back Better World (BDN/B3W) and the 2013 Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), both prone to migration flows. In their context he offers intercultural rationale and suggestions for a North-South crime prevention technical cooperation glocal86 approach that should be programmatically driven by universally relevant anti-corruption. Finally, the author alerts to the need of bringing into the North-South technical cooperation relationship people’s regard of Mother Earth (“triple wins”) and strategize that cooperation accordingly for a truly better world.
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