Please send original, complete and unpublished texts prepared according to the following scheme to the Editorial Team or the Towarzystwo Miłośników Torunia: - The texts should be sent to the Editorial Team or the Towarzystwo Miłośników Torunia in electronic version, as a text file (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .odt); the text should be formatted in the following way:
- Times New Roman font, size 12, footnote - size 10
- 2.5 cm margins
- line spacing 1.5
- justified text (aligned to the left and right margins)
- pages should be numbered at the bottom right corner with Arabic numerals
- black font
- character spacing - standard, 0 points
- paragraphs - indentation 1.25 cm
- The article should not exceed one publishing sheet (about 22 pages), reviews should be about 5 pages. If the text is to be longer, individual consultation with the editor is required.
- The following text should be attached to the paper:
- summaries in Polish, about half a page, and a short biographical note about the author, containing information about the author's research interests, previous publications, the author's website (point 3a applies only to authors of articles)
- current correspondence address, telephone number or e-mail address. In case of researchers, please also provide the name and address of the university)
- At the top of the first page please include:
- in case of an article, the author's name and institution or city should appear in the upper left corner
- in case of a review, the first element in the text should be bibliographic information about the reviewed book: first and last name of the author of the reviewed work, full title in accordance to the title page (when the review concerns a collective work or source edition, after the title we give full names of the editors or publishers; if the work is multi-volume - the number of volumes or parts in Arabic numerals, the place and year of publication, the name of the publishing house, number of pages, name of the publishing series; in the case of foreign-language works - entry in accordance with the title page of the reviewed work; under the review put the full name and affiliation of the review author
- Scientific apparatus:
- list of literature and sources used in the articles sent for publication should be included in the footnotes
- the footnotes should include the translator of the works referred to in the text, provided he was mentioned in the referenced publication
- footnotes with continuous numbering should be used throughout the whole text starting from 1; the use of abbreviations in the footnotes is optional (ibid., op.cit., loc.cit., vol., ed.), consistency should be maintained throughout
- if instead of the abbreviations incipits of quoted works are used in the footnotes a number of times, do not put ellipses next to them
- bibliographic description of the book: author's initial and surname, title of the work (in italics), place and year of publication, page
- bibliographic description of a journal: author's initial and surname, title of the text (in italics), title of the journal in quotation marks, year of publication, volume/year in Arabic numerals, number in Arabic numerals, pages
- bibliographic description of a publishing series: author's initial, surname, title in italics, place and year of publication, title of the series and volume number without distinction, pages at the end. In the case of collective works, the title of the quoted text is followed by a comma, in rectangular brackets: "[in:]", the title of the collective study in italics, initials of and surname of the editor
- texts in continuous publications, published as collective publications should be treated as articles in journals (publication titles in quotation marks)
- biographies from the Polish Biographical Dictionary (PSB) should be treated as articles in a multi-volume collective work (initial, surname, title of the biography in italics, PSB, year of publication, volume number, pages at the end)
- original titles and incipits of manuscripts should be placed in quotation marks, titles given by the author of the text - without quotation marks
- titles of works and printed documents in italics, titles of chapters and fragments of works (documents) - in quotation marks, default titles or common title descriptions - in capital letters without distinctions
- the modernization of descriptions of archive materials and manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the principles set out in the publishing instructions: Instrukcja wydawnicza dla średniowiecznych źródeł historycznych (Publishing instructions for medieval historical sources), Kraków 1925; Instrukcja wydawnicza dla źródeł historycznych od XVI do połowy XIX wieku, pod red. K. Lepszego (Publishing instructions for historical sources from the 16th to mid-19th century, edited by K. Lepszy), Wrocław 1953; A. Wolff, Projekt instrukcji wydawniczej dla pisanych źródeł historycznych do połowy XVI wieku, ,,Studia Źródłoznawcze" (Draft publishing instructions for written historical sources up to the mid-16th century, "Studies of Source Materials"), vol. 1, 1957, pp. 155-181; I. Ihnatowicz, Projekt instrukcji wydawniczej dla źródeł historycznych XIX i początku XX wieku, ,,Studia Źródłoznawcze" (Draft publishing instructions for historical sources of the 19th and early 20th centuries, Studies of Source Materials), vol. 7, 1962, pp. 99-123, Wrocław 1953;
- descriptions of old prints should not be modernized, they should be given in the short version
- bibliographic descriptions of works published in Slavic Cyrillic alphabets are published according to the original (Cyrillic) entry, with the place of publication (e.g. Moscow) and page (p.) in English
- Elements of the text proper:
- quotations:
- because the journal is of a popular science nature, sources should be cited in Polish, while the footnotes should contain a quote in the original language - omissions in the quoted text should be marked with an ellipsis in square brackets - spelling of names, surnames and other expressions defining persons:
- the original spelling of names and surnames in the native language of the persons appearing in the text should be kept; the use of the Polish form of names, surnames or people's names may apply to: rulers, saints, Polonized foreigners or commonly known persons - the names of persons mentioned for the first time in the main text or in the footnote (does not apply to bibliographical footnotes) should be quoted in full, in the further part of the text it is enough to provide the initials of the first name and surname or only the surname - persons mentioned in the reviews should appear without academic degrees and titles - in reviews the word "Author" (of the reviewed work) should be capitalized - abbreviations, dates and other time definitions, numerals
- written with digits, with space separating orders of magnitude, e.g. 11 111, 222 222 - writing digits with words: thousand, million, billion - 2 thousand, 5 million, 10 billion - generally accepted abbreviations, such as: etc., e.g., i.a., can be used consistently throughout the text; if ambiguous abbreviations that may raise doubts, adopted especially for the specific text, are used, they should be explained at their first usage in the footnote, and if their specificity requires detailed analysis - in the text proper - when entering months in the text, any form can be used consistently throughout the text - for different styles (calendars) both dates should be given - if no daily date is given, the month should always be written in words, e.g. in March 1953 - Charts and tables
- charts and tables placed in articles should be pasted into the text file in the place where they are to be found in the publication
- number and title should be placed above the chart or table, source - under, in italics, Times New Roman font size 10, consistently throughout the work
- the text contained in the table, description of axis and values should be written in Times New Roman font size 10, consistently throughout the work
- Illustrations
- drawings, photos, tables, photocopies, maps, charts, structural formulas should be provided in the form of graphic files, the text should contain precise information about where they are to be located
- all illustrations should include the author's name, the source from which they come, the name of the institution which provided them
- the description of the illustration (drawing number, title, source) should be in italics, Times New Roman font size 10, consistently throughout the work
- The main text may contain differentiations: italics for publication titles and foreign-language expressions, bold font and subheadings. Differentiations should be applied consistently throughout the work, and different categories of text elements should not be distinguished in the same way
- Do not include formatting elements such as header and footer, or page breaks in files sent
- Commas, periods, exclamation marks, question marks, semicolons, colons, quotation marks, footnote numbers should not be separated by a space from the preceding word
- Articles published in the "Rocznik Toruński" journal are approved by the Editorial Board. The work will be published subject to application by the author of the suggested amendments. The editorial team reserves the right to edit the submitted texts.