Kształcenie filologiczne a dydaktyzacja przekładu
https://doi.org/10.12775/RP.2005.010Słowa kluczowe
dydaktyka przekładu, nauczanie języków, filologia uniwersyteckaAbstrakt
Challenges that translation faces in the globalised modern world, with an increasingly growing demand for translators, instigate the need for the discussion on its didactics-related aspects. The article attempts at the definition of the place and role occupied by translation in the training and foreign language teaching at university (philology) departments. Differences in cognitive processing existing between translation skills and language skills constitute one of the foci of our deliberations. The present educational situation as well as syllabus outlines, underlying this article, were also subject to analysis. As far as the pragmatic perspective is concerned, the article relies on didactic experiences of the author (stemming from translation teaching experience at the English Department of the Nicholas Copernicus University in Toruń).
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