Wybrane aspekty przekładu aforyzmów na język niemiecki na przykładzie Myśli nieuczesanych Stanisława Jerzego Leca
https://doi.org/10.12775/RP.2005.002Słowa kluczowe
Stanisław Jerzy Lec, tłumaczenie, aforyzm, metafora, przekład literackiAbstrakt
The paper outlines the problem of German translation of some aphorisms by Stanisław Jerzy Lec rendered by Karl Dedecius. the study focuses mainly on aphorisms referring to dead as well as to lexical metaphors and puns. The concept of metaphor is in the paper recognized not only as a phenomenon of the language or literature but also as a phenomenon of general linguistics. Moreover, the author analyses some remarkable strategies applied by Dedecius in order to create analogous puns in the target language. As a result of the differences between Polish and German, the translator open changes the form of the original aphorisms. Such changes are usually defined as obligatory transposition. Karl Dedecius does not translate literally and he open employs his own interpretations or comments to reach the effect of conciseness of the text in the target language. Many of the modifications are the effect of conscious decisions taken by the translator. Dedecius’s creative translation is based on facultative transposition. Such a translation conveys more true sense of the original text than a literal one. Dedecius also succeeds in rendering Lec’s puns into German. However, the translator sometimes tends to provide direct interpretations, whereas the original aphorisms make the reader search for their meaning and interpretation.
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