The role of domestic partnerships during resocialization and the execution of the penalty towards long-term convicts
custodial sentence, long-term penalty, effects of the isolation, domestic partnerships, factors strengthening and weakening domestic partnershipsAbstract
Long-term custodial sentence causes a number of psychological and social problems. Isolating from current living conditions, family, and friends changes the bahaviour of prisoners who begin to increasingly focus on their current situation. This influences bonds with close relatives who are at large. The aim of the article was to examine the role of domestic partnerships, not only in the life of the convicts, but also during the process of resocialization. Particularly, the main objective was to establish the specificity of these relationships, the role they perform in the life of both partners and possible changes resulting from the relationships which could be observed in the behaviour examined during the course of the stay in the penitentiary. With regard to the collected material, it was possible to present the respondents’ expectations towards their relationships, strengthening and weakening factors influencing the functioning of relationships and the forecast of penitentiary.References
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