Educational activity of unemployed women: selected conditions
unemployed woman, professional skills improvement, self-assessment, coping styleAbstract
Unemployment is valued negatively especially from the point of view of the quality of individuals’ life and the functioning of the society. The system foresees methods to reduce negative consequences of unemployment. However, there are some who, despite a number of difficulties in finding job, do not decide to make use of these possibilities. The main objective of the research was to investigate the role of women’s self-assessment and styles used by them to cope with stressful situations while making decisions about professional improvement. For the purpose of the study, the author used Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS) questionnaire and Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale (SES). In the study participated 60 unemployed women. The results of the research indicate that the level of self-assessment of unemployed women who are actively engaged in enlarging their resources through improving professional skills is higher than among women who have not taken similar actions. Unemployed women engaged in improving and developing professional skills display stress-coping style unlike women who have not decided to engage themselves in similar actions.
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