Experiencing culture shock by immigrants in casual and routine contacts with Poles. Videoblogs as a useful medium in intercultural adult learning
intercultural adult learning, contacts with Poles, immigrants, culture shockAbstract
The issue of culture shock, as described in the disease or the growth model, is now becoming very popular in Polish scientific literature. The reasons for this are both the increasing awareness and the increasing number of foreigners coming to Poland every year. This text aims to present the results of my research on the experience of culture shock by foreigners in casual and routine contacts with Poles. Analysis was conducted in a qualitative approach using video material found on YouTube. Thirty videos made by young adults published in Polish or English (or with provided subtitles) between 2017–2020 were qualified for
the analysis. The conducted research confirms the findings of other researchers who reported a negative perception of attitudes of Poles towards immigrants, and, at the same time, it allowed to gain greater insight into the experienced embarrassment and awkwardness, or even a sense of rejection in their contacts with the natives. The article also addresses the importance of YouTube videos in intercultural adult learning.
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