Characteristics of the Barthel Scale in Terms of Neurological Care
Barthel Index, care, measurement, neurology, patientAbstract
The Barthel scale assesses the ability of the tested person to function independently. It plays an important role in the professional work of nurses. Therefore, the aim of the work is to characterize the Barthel scale and use it in the care of a neurological patient. This tool measures the degree of independence in activities of daily living. Thanks to this, it also helps to determine the level of assistance required with care and activities of daily living. This scale evaluates 10 basic daily activities. In Poland, the Barthel Index is one of the most frequently used assessment scales for measuring activity limitations in patients with various diseases, e.g. nervous system. Many researchers also use BI as one of the measurement tools to conduct scientific research. That is why it is so important to deepen knowledge about this tool. (JNNN 2022;11(4):180–184)
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