Determining Factors and the Degree of Burden of Nursing Teams in the Care of an Elderly Person with a Neurological Disease
burden of nursing teams, elderly person, neurological diseaseAbstract
Introduction. According to the conducted research, the workload results from the general involvement in the undertaken activities. It can therefore be seen that the greater the involvement, the greater the burden, and thus the greater impact on the health of both the physical and mental nurse/caregiver. It should be noted that many factors affect the degree of the load.
Aim. The main aim of the conducted research was to assess the degree of workload of nursing teams while caring for elderly people diagnosed with a neurological disease.
Material and Methods. The study was conducted in the Provincial Specialist Hospital in Włocławek on a group of 120 randomly selected people (nurses) caring for an elderly person with a neurological disease. The study used the method of diagnostic survey, using the survey technique. In order to obtain an answer to the main objective of the research, a questionnaire was constructed and standardized research tools were used — ADL, IADL and the Negative Care Impact Scale included in the COPE-index questionnaire.
Results. The study showed that with the increase in seniority in the role of a nurse/carer in the care of the elderly, there is an increase in physical strain, weakening of relations with friends, a significant impact on family relationships and a decrease in satisfaction with the role. The data obtained indicate that a small percentage of nursing teams use equipment such as a lift or rollers for transfer. The study clearly shows that the degree of independence of an elderly person with a neurological disease has a significant impact on both the mental and physical health of the nursing teams taking care of them.
Conclusions. There is a relationship between seniority and job satisfaction. People with the longest work experience do not feel satisfied. Nursing teams do not fully use material and human resources while performing their role of caring for elderly people, which may result from various reasons (lack of knowledge, lack of skills, limited access to equipment, lack of willingness for cooperation and helping others). This has an impact on the level of physical and mental burden of nurses. The degree of independence of the ward has a significant impact on the level of physical and mental burden of the nurse. With the increase in dependence of the ward, the degree of burden on nursing teams increases. (JNNN 2022;11(4):167–173)
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