The Role of a Nurse in the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
multiple sclerosis, treatment, role of a nurseAbstract
Multiple sclerosis is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. This disease has an immunological origin and develops under the influence of environmental factors and genetic predisposition. The disease usually occurs between the age from 20 to 40 and progresses in phases of attacks and remissions. It requires a long-term pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment and professional nursing care. The aim of this work below is presenting the role of a nurse in the treatment of multiple sclerosis patients. It has been reported that the role of a nurse in the treatment of the multiple sclerosis patient is associated with
active participation in the processes: monitoring the patient’s health state for symptoms of the side effects of used medication and its effectiveness (improvement in neurological and functional state), education and providing support to the patient and their family, as well as leading the patient through the process of the multiple sclerosis therapy during and after hospitalization. The education of the patient and their family includes, in the first place, the recommendations referring to procedures during the pharmacotherapy modifying the course of the disease, used during the attack of the multiple sclerosis and reducing the symptoms of the disease. (PNN 2012;1(1):29-34)
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