Nursing Care Plan of Patient after Ischemic Stroke – Case Study
stroke, nursing care planAbstract
Stroke is a medical emergency. The patient presents many different problems, thus fostering the patient after ischemic stroke is associated with the need of proper diagnosis and the need to exercise professional care based on nursing process.
The aim of the study was to develop proposals for the nursing care plan after ischemic stroke and its practical application in neurology department in Morąg hospital.
The study involved a case study of a patient who was hospitalized twice due to ischemic stroke, in the department of neurology at the Morąg hospital – from February to March 2010. In the research were used: interview, analysis of medical documentation and observation. Based on the research techniques used, nursing problems were chosen, as follows:
• deficit of knowledge about risk factors of stroke and secondary prevention rules,
• lack of motivation to change their lifestyle,
• a growing deficit in mobility and self-service.
Given the scope of nursing activities examined, the patient required assistance primarily in activities of daily living, motivation and education on the principles of secondary prevention of stroke. (PNN 2012;1(2):76-82)
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